Commercials and TV Themes

Full Version: H2O Just Add Water (AU10 07-2006 to 04-2010)
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H2O Just Add Water (AU10 07-2006 to 04-2010)

Series 1:
Video of the opening:

a .mp3 made from that video:

an extended remix in .mp3 format of the theme done by Ellie Henderson:

[Image: line-smiley-line-compress.gif]

Series 2:
Video of the opening:

a .mp3 made from that video:

an extended remix in .mp3 format of the theme done by Kate Alexa:

Video of the ending as the credits roll:

a .mp3 made from that video:

[Image: line-smiley-line-compress.gif]

Series 3:
Video of the opening:

a .mp3 made from that video:

an extended remix in .mp3 format of the theme done by Indiana Evans:

Video of the ending as the credits roll:

a .mp3 made from that video:

[Image: line-smiley-line-compress.gif]

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